Local Barrie Painters by Ecopainting

Do you need residential or commercial painters for your property in Barrie? Ecopainting has local Barrie painters to service the needs of this growing community. During the long winter months, like most paint contractors, we stay busy painting the interior of homes and facilities. From April to October you will find our crews busy painting and maintaining exteriors.

Servicing the neighbouring Simcoe County communities of Cookstown Innisfil, Essa and Bradford West Gwillimbury. Local crew is now available!

Residential Painting

Right from the start, when you call our office and have us estimate your project you will notice our difference. Our service systems as well as our industry proven procedures make us stand out as the right paint contractor to paint your home. The painters in your home will be our own staff and not subcontractors.

Your project will be assigned a job manager that will keep you informed and be there to answer any questions. The entire process is transparent and you will love the fact that their work order is identical to your approved scope of work. There are never any surprises as any changes to the scope of work needs your signed approval.

Exterior Painting Services like this are now available in Barrie
Exterior painting services like this job are now available in Barrie

Interior / Exterior Painting Services

We offer complete interior and exterior services. Whether you are painting a single bedroom or an entire housing complex, the Ecopainting quality will surprise you. Our Services:

  • Walls, ceilings, doors and trim
  • Wallpaper removal
  • Wall prep and drywall repairs
  • Brick painting
  • Board and batten siding paint or stain
  • Vinyl Siding
  • High areas with scaffold and aerial lifts (certified)
  • Minor carpentry work
  • Floor finishing
  • Deck and fence staining and stripping
  • Condominium painting 

If there is a service that does not appear on the list above, call us to inquire about it. We might be able to help you after all or refer you to a reputable contractor that we partner with. If you are outside Barrie, the crew will travel south for painting projects in Newmarket, Aurora and the King Township.

Ecopainting service vehicle in snow covered Barrie

Commercial Painting in the Barrie Area

As a business owner or facility manager you have your reasons for keeping your facility looking great. A well kept facility brings confidence to your clients and employees. Regular maintenance and upkeep of the common space will add years of enjoyment with predictable costs.

Ecopainting understands the reasoning behind all this. For over two decades we painted the exteriors and interiors of buildings retail facilities and even churches. Our client are corporate office centres, museums, schools, clinics and other care facilities among others. Our predictable systems and qualifications make us the easy choice every time you need a commercial painting contractor.

Reviews from Commercial Clients

“We cannot be any happier with the excellent service we received from Ecopainting. Our company used them extensively at all our facilities. They painted our offices, hallways and recently our meeting rooms and boardrooms. One of our more notable projects was the painting of our t-bars ceiling 3 years ago. First we thought about installing new t-bars and changing the ceiling tiles but the cost was prohibitive. The contractor suggested painting them bright white. We called Ecopainting for the job and we are happy we did. They used low odour zero VOC paint and the disruption to the staff was minimal. The ceilings look white and the rooms look much brighter at a cost well within our budget, We will definitely be using their services again!”  Edward Pittman – Office Painting in Barrie.

Painters prepping office walls
Removing mural from office before paint
Stairway painting in light gray
Gray paint for common areas of a building

“Being in Commercial Property Management, when we refer a company to our tenants it is imperative that the service is excellent. I am pleased to say that Ecopainting delivered what they promised, on time and at a great price. Whether it’s a small or large job, I now always use or recommend Ecopainting, The continual feedback has been a roster of satisfied tenants!”.
Jason King, Sport Alliance Ontario. Read more from the company’s Google Reviews.

The customer moved from a Woodbridge home in Vaughan to a nice south-western neighbourhood in Barrie. Before completely moving their furniture in, they upgraded their home by painting the walls, doors and trim. Among other house projects, they also upgraded the look of the oak stairway and darkened the stain colour of the kitchen cabinets.

Picture of Barrie home interior as described in featured project

The Products and Colours

Products: Benjamin Moore Regal for the walls & Advance Waterborne for trim and doors.

The main colour is Balboa Mist (OC-27). Balboa Mist is one of the recently popular and trending “greige” colours. It’s a gray that’s made to look warmer with a hint of beige. By combining gray with beige, Benjamin Moore bypassed the warm vs cool narrative with a colour that feels both cool and warm. 

If you have north-facing light, Balboa Mist can lean a little grayer. However, with south-facing or warm afternoon western light, Balboa Mist can lean more into its greige warmth hiding in it (source).

The main colour Balboa Mist (OC-27)
Balboa Mist (OC-27) shown here in the living room, works as a warm colour.

The Accent Colour was Silhouette AF-655 from Benjamin Moore’s Affinity® Collection .
The red undertones of this warm and lush colour work well with the versatility of Balboa Mist.

Accent Colour Silhouette AF-655 with Balboa Mist
Accent Colour Silhouette AF-655, shown here with Balboa Mist OC-27.

Customer Review and Comments

“We had Ecopainting paint our home in Barrie and we are very pleased with the end results. Katie came by to see our home and answered all our questions and concerns with ease. She helped us pick out our colours and then later she and her crew painted our home. The painters were very professional and very tidy without leaving any mess or damage to anything. Their attention to detail made our home everything we had envisioned. We will definitely be using Ecopainting in the future! Thank you Katie and team!”
Laura K. Barrie Resident – Interior painting service.

Stained staircase and white trim in home
Stained oak stairway with white risers and stringers
Welcoming foyer in a Barrie Home
Warm and welcoming entrance to an open space
Katie is the representative for Ecopainting in Barrie

Meet Katie

Katie moved to the GTA from Brandon, Manitoba. In 2017 she started working for Ecopainting as an apprentice out of a painting PreApprenticeship Training Program in Toronto. With her attention to detail and hard work she became a great painter. Before long, her leadership skills made her a team leader and one of our best job managers.

In 2019 Katie moved to Barrie, where she will be representing our company as an area manager, team builder and estimator.